Friday, April 12, 2013

Catching up - photos from home

I would say she would eat 2 wings a meal at the moment but it will increase as she gets bigger and with more exercise

When she gets up I let her out and she has a bit of a run around and then I feed her.  about 20 to 30 mins after getting up and then I feed them all at about 5pm.  But she will adapt to whatever you want.  

I just use roast chicken for a treat and for training.  As that is her very favourite and if I was you I would dry it and then Tim and Kim can carry it around in treat bags or in a pocket for training.

I have taught her come, which I put my arm out and pull towards as I say it.
Sit is arm out at a 45 degree angle and then lift my hand up to my shoulder as I way sit. This way is for when I want her to come along with me in my direction but not necessarily come to me, if that makes sense. You may get her to do outside, which is outside and point to the dog door.  Wulf does this and she follows so she may do that?? I do whistle for her and she comes, but she will learn Tims soon enough. 

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